ap Arthur, later known as Geoffrey of Monmouth, completed
this work in 1136. He claimed that Walter Mapes, Archdeacon
of Oxford, discovered an ancient manuscript in Armorica
(Brittany) written in the British tongue i.e. the Celtic
language of the Britons prior to the arrival of the Saxons
and Danes, something like the Welsh language. Geoffrey said
that Walter Mapes asked him to translate this document into
Latin - which he was delighted to do.
nowadays this work is considered by many as little more
than fiction, it is interesting to note that when it first
appeared it was mostly met with approval. It was not until
the seventeenth century that the authenticity of the content
was questioned.
the work came into being, and how accurate its contents
are, are important questions to be argued over again and
again. However, few would argue over its importance and
contribution to literature; for without it the legend of
King Arthur would surely not have developed.
we offer you the opportunity to dip into 'Historia Regum
Brittaniae'. The text is taken from the 1718 Latin to English
translation by Aaron Thompson who followed for the most
part Commeline's 1587 edition of the original.
Contents of Books VIII to XI are included as these chart
the rise and fall of Arthur.
texts of Book IX, Chapters XII, XIII & XIV are included
for these very firmly locate the Coronation of Arthur and
his Palace in Caerleon. They also tell of Caerleon being
one of the three most important religious centres in Britain
and the location of a college of two hundred philosophers.
entire text of the 'Prophecy of Merlin' is included,
as well as a discussion of some of the more interesting
Contents of Books VIII to XI
IX, Chapter XII - Arthur summons a great many Kings, Princes, ArchÂbishops,
&c. to a solemn Assembly at the City of Legions
IX, Chapter XIII - A Description of the Royal Pomp at the Coronation
of Arthur
IX, Chapter XIV - After a Variety of Sports at the Coronation,
Arthur amply rewards his Servants
VII, Chapter III - The Prophecy of Merlin
VII, Chapter IV - The Continuation of the Prophecy
References to Caerleon - The City of the Legions