1 For the purpose of the erection of 3 houses, it is necessary to remove human remains, tombstones, monuments and memorials commemorating deceased persons.
2 In accordance with the provision of the Disused Burial Grounds (Amendment) Act 1981, notice is hereby given that Hale Williams Developments Ltd., intend 2 months after the date of the first publication of this notice to remove tombstones, monuments or other memorials of deceased persons whose names, so far as they can be ascertained, are as follows.
(To see the list - click here)
3 A plan of the present place of burial showing the positions of the graves, tombstone, monuments or other memorials, are now deposited at 67a Bridge Street, Usk, Gwent and may be inspected free of charge between 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays, before 24th March.
4 Any personal representative or relative of any deceased person whose remains were interred less than 50 years ago may give formal notice in writing to the undersigned of objection to the proposal to erect the building and if such objections not be withdrawn, the proposal to erect the building shall not have effect.
5 Any person who is an heir, executor, administrator or relative of any deceased person whose grave, monument, tombstone or other memorial is to be removed, or in case of a Commonwealth war burial, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, may give written notice to the undersigned before March 24th 1988 of intention to undertake the removal of such remains, tombstone monument or other memorial commemorating the deceased person and thereupon he will be at liberty, provided he applies for the Secretary of State's directions for the removal of human remains as soon as possible after giving such notice and that such directions are issued, to cause such remains to be removed and reinterred in any churchyard, burial ground or cemetery in which interments may legally take place or, if desired, cremated. Application for the Secretary of State's directions should be made to the Secretary of State, Home Office, E4 Division, Room 205, 50 Queen Ann's Gate, London SWIH 9AT.
6 If the notice in paragraph 5 above has been given within the prescribed time or if after such notice has been given, the person giving notice have not removed the remains etc.. Hale Williams Developments will cause all such tombstones. Monuments, Memorials to be disposed of as follows: Cremation at Gwent Crematorium, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran, in accordance with the directions given by the Secretary of State:
1 The removal shall be effected with due care and attention to decency.
2 The ground in which the remains are interred shall be screened from the public gaze while the work of removal is in progress.
3 Freshly made ground lime shall be freely sprinkled over the coffins, the soil and, if it should be found necessary, elsewhere.
4 The removal shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Services for the Borough of Newport, and shall be in accordance with any additional conditions he may impose.
5 The remains shall be placed in fresh shells or other such containers as meet the requirements of the said Director of Environmental Services.
6 The remains shall be forthwith conveyed to the Gwent Crematorium and there be cremated in accordance with the Cremation Acts 1902 and 1952.
7 Any persons entitled to burial rights at the date of this notice may claim compensation In respect of loss of such rights by writing to the undersigned.
Dated this day 2 March 1988.
M WILLIAMS On Behalf of Hale Williams Developments
67a Bridge Street, Usk, Gwent.
Underneath appeared the following notice:
Notice Under Section 27 Of Application For Planning Permission
PROPOSED development at Waste land along River Usk bank between pumping station and 'Devonia' at Caerleon.
NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made to the Newport Borough Council by Hale Williams Developments Ltd for planning permission to landscape this land to form a public open space and garden of remembrance with font and headstones from adjacent Baptist chapel burial ground set out thereon.
Any owner of land (namely a freeholder or a person entitled to an unexpired term of at least seven years under a lease) who wishes to make representations to the above-mentioned Council about the application should make them in writing not later than 25 March 1988 to the Director of Technical Services, Newport Borough Council, Civic Centre, Newport, Gwent, NPT 4UR.
Signed R F Lewis On behalf of Hale Williams Developments Ltd.
January 1988
Twelve years later the waste land mentioned above became the Millennium Wildlife Garden thanks to the Caerleon and District Civic Society. The community project was so successful it was a runner up for a Green Apple Environment Award... details and photos.
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