Tan House Farm, Mill
Street, Caerleon
Street has probably seen more changes in the last century
than any other part of 'Old Caerleon'. Unfortunately
several interesting buildings have been demolished, which,
had they been preserved, would have made walking or driving
the complete circuit of the village more rewarding. Among
these are Cambria House and Tanhouse Farm.
spoke to Molly Davies about her memories of the Farm. Molly
was born in Dowlais and moved to Tanhouse at the age of
two when her father, Morgan Davies, took it over from her
grandfather, John Williams.
In her younger years Molly helped with the housework. However,
later, when the family grew up and moved away, she became
more involved with the farm work. She well remembers milking
the cows in the morning and then driving them, single-handed,
through the middle of Caerleon and down the Broadway to
Broadway Farm and the racecourse to graze. Then, at the
end of the day, she would bring them back to the farm for
milking. The racecourse, the fields adjacent to Broadway
and Tanhouse Farm were all part of the Mackworth estate
rented by Mr Morgan Davies. "I can remember the names
of everybody in Mill Street," Molly said, "I used
to sell them milk. They would bring a jug and I would fill
it with a ladle."
Before the War, Mill Street was very quiet; nearly all of
the traffic travelled through High Street, which was then
'two way'. During the War, there was a lot of military
activity in Caerleon. Soldiers were stationed here which
meant the 'toing and froing' of many vehicles -
including ones for producing a smokescreen. These were driven
to Newport every evening to throw up a thick dark cloud
- Molly thinks the smoke was produced by burning oil.
In 1943 a tragic accident occurred in the congested High
Street. A teacher from Dover High School for Girls, who
was evacuated to Caerleon along with her pupils, was knocked
from her cycle and killed. The local authority, seeing that
something had to be done to ease the traffic congestion,
trialled a one way system. Traffic travelled up High Street
and then returned to Newport down Mill Street. (Sixty years
later the same system is still in operation. It's hard
to imagine how High Street coped with two way traffic -
especially as Caerleon was then on the main route from South
Wales to the Midlands.)
In order to make Mill Street safe, the road by Tanhouse
Farm was widened. The low stone wall, and high hedge in
front of the farm were removed and the wall rebuilt as in
the photograph at the top of the page. Until then the farm
had a large semi-circular front garden. Molly's sister,
Jennett is pictured standing by the gateway. One of the
gateposts may still form part of the wall facing Mill Street,
the rest of the wall has been moved back in line with it
in order to allow space for a pavement. The photograph was
taken around 1958. Notice how the gateway is recessed into
the wall, and the lack of a pavement.
of the rear of the farm in 1953. The artist's signature
is difficult to read, but appears to be something like A
E Martin.
watercolour above, painted in 1953, shows the back of the
farm. "The house was all doors," reminisced Molly,
"but we never had a key. There was always somebody
there." To the left we can see the cowshed with the
hayloft above. The stable, to the right, had 'the ring'
outside. This contraption used horse power to drive the
chaff cutter inside the stable. The chaff was fed to the
horses and cows; for the horses it was cut into quarter
to half inch lengths, cow chaff was longer.
The area has not been used for tanning leather for a long
time. Molly believes it was used for this purpose in the
seventeenth century. "In what we called The Orchard,
during the Summer when the grass dried, you could see the
pattern of the walls around the pits. The duck pond at the
lower end of the orchard was in one of these pits. It was
full of springs down there. They needed plenty of water
for making leather. We had a water cress bed there. Cress
love running water."
Molly recalled how, during the War, Mr Squash, the surveyor
and architect, asked residents to notify him if they had
springs on their land. Presumably contingency plans were
being made in case the water mains were damaged by enemy
bombs. Her father duly reported one particular spring which
produced clear, ice cold, water. "The council came
and dug down. They found a square grating with sand all
around it. Water was gushing out. They analysed it and declared
it absolutely pure. A little higher up they found a round
culvert made of stonework."
Molly remembers seeing the ruins of the old mill nearby.
This derived its water-power from a leat which was fed from
the Afon Llwyd in Ponthir. After turning the water wheel
at the Caerleon Forge the leat then led on down under the
railway line at the end of the cutting, running parallel
to the route of the old Tram Road. Once it had driven the
Mill in Caerleon the water ran back into the river below
the farm.
The mill at the bottom of Llanhennock Hill still worked
in those days - owned by 'Evans the Mill'. Cecil, one of
Molly's brothers, used to take corn there to be ground
into feed for the animals when he was still in school. He
would hitch the float to the pony and take five or
six cwt of corn returning with the same amount from the
previous trip. Molly remembers a big mill pond there. She
regularly walked past it on her two mile walk, up to Llanhennock
Church on Sunday evenings.
Tanhouse Farm was demolished while Molly was away in Scarborough
in the mid 1960s. She has since been told that Mr Higgs
bought it and got planning permission to build on the site.
"This is what I've been told, not what I remember,"
she said. "Mr Keggie, the planning officer refused,
but while he was away his deputy gave permission. After
demolition started, the authority looked at it… but it was
too late, by then it was unsafe."
We checked this information with Mr Doug Burnell Higgs,
son of Mr Frank Burnell Higgs. He confirmed that his father
bought the farm at auction in the early sixties and obtained
planning permission to develop the site. However, the estimated
costs proved to be too high so he sold the site by auction.
It was bought by the builder Franklin. It seems that as
the land was being cleared a bulldozer ran
away and
into the House making it unsafe
so it was demolished.
Tanhouse Drive now stands on the spot. The farm has gone,
but at least its name lives on. Next time you drive by spare
a thought for the farmhouse, which for centuries stood there.
"It was all doors… but we never had a key … there was
always somebody there."
You can now read Molly Davies' recollections of
Caerleon when she was ten: Caerleon
Molly died in October 2006.
Wilfred Wilson's sketch of the side of the farm, made from
an original painting dated 1948.