Text from William Coxe Relating to the Castle
the Roman fortress, we traced several outworks of considerable
strength. Near the eastern angle in Mill street, are remains of
a line of ancient wall, with the foundation of a gateway, running
nearly parallel to the Roman fortifications; but not sufficient
to ascertain their purport.
is more difficult to trace the ruins of the celebrated castle,
which resisted so many assaults, while the town, notwithstanding
its Roman fortifications, surrendered to each invader. The castle
works extended in a line between the south side of the wall and
the Usk, beyond a round tower near the Hanbury Arms, and terminated
at the remains of two round towers or bastions, which were built
upon the rocks on the verge of the river. According to Domesday
book, there was a castle in Caerleon at the time of the conquest.
Parts of the ancient works still remain, particularly the tower
near the Hanbury Arms, which exhibits in its circularly arched
doorway, and embrasures, the early style of fortification: it
is now pierced with modern windows, and much altered from its
original state. The thickness of the walls, the bold sweep of
the arches, and the composition of the cement, according to the
Vitruvian method, have led some persons to suppose it a Roman
structure, which was afterwards included in the works of the castle.
are no apparent remains of the tower called by Giraldus gigantic;
but the mound on which it was constructed is still entire.
It is an artificial eminence of considerable height, 300 yards
in circumference at the base, and 90 at the summit; it stands
between the banks of the Usk, and the southern side of the wall,
and is generally supposed to be the site of the Norman keep or
citadel, and posterior to the other works. In the time of Leland
the ruins were very considerable; and Churchyard, who wrote in
the reign of Queen Elizabeth, described it, as
"A castle very
"That may not be forgot,
"It stands upon a forced hill,
"Not far from flowing flood." (The Worthiness of Wales)
In the middle
of this century, the walls of the tower were not less than forty
feet in height; but they were loosened by the severe effects of
the frost in 1739, and fell down in enormous fragments. Within
the memory of the oldest inhabitants were remains of dilapidated
buildings at the bottom, and a flight of stone steps. During my
last excursion, some massive foundations were discovered towards
the summit. The greater part had been removed by the lord of the
manor, and sold to Mr. Williams, a currier, who had built a house
with the materials. The remains which I observed were not less
than twenty feet in depth, ten in breadth, and thirty in length;
the whole forming a solid and compact mass, of large stones bedded
in mortar, which the workmen had great difficulty in separating.
I noticed among the fragments, much slate, many glazed pantiles,
and numerous pieces of burnt and charred wood, which seem to imply,
that part of the building had been destroyed by fire.
From the top
of this eminence, the wild and beautiful environs of Caerleon
are seen to the greatest advantage. The principal objects are
the town, gently rising at the extremity of an oval vale; the
bridge, supported by lofty and slender piles; the rapid Usk, flowing
through fertile meadows; the sloping hills, richly clothed with
wood; and Christchurch, towering like a cathedral, on the brow
of an overhanging eminence.
Descending from
the mount, and tracing the foss, I observed, towards its south-western
side, heaps of Roman bricks and tiles, which had been recently
dug up in making excavations. Among these were some fragments
of large bricks, two feet square, and two inches in thickness.
They formed part of a Roman sarcophagus, which measured six feet
and a half in length. It was found on the side of the mount, several
feet above the ground; and Mr. Blanning, who politely accompanied
me, and supplied me with these particulars, pointed out the place
where it had been discovered, which was apparent from the red
colour communicated by the bricks to the surface. The situation
of this sarcophagus seems to indicate, that the lower part of
the mount existed in the time of the Romans, and was a continuation
of a natural ridge, which stretches nearly the same height, not
far from the banks of the Usk, and that the upper part was raised,
since the deposition of the sarcophagus, to its present elevation.
In the street
leading from the bridge, and near the passage to the castle, are
the ruins of a portal, which seems to have once formed the entrance
of the castle works. Parts of a round tower still remain, with
the groove for a portcullis, and a public house called the Gate-house
marks its situation. (At the time of my last excursion these remains
were taking down.)
Close to the
southern extremity of the bridge, in the district sometimes called
the village of Caerleon, and sometimes distinguished by the Roman
appellation of Ultra Pontem, are the ruins of an ancient fort,
intended for the purpose of guarding the passage over the river.
Grose has given an engraving as it existed in 1778, and from the
roundness of the arches and the mode of construction, concludes
that it was a Roman edifice; but the dilapidated state of the
work renders it difficult to ascertain its exact form or era.

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