Photos of the 1909 - 1910 Caerleon Excavations

William Henry Thomas
As far as we can find out, the 1909 / 1910 excavations were never formally reported. The fullest account we have found is in the 1913 Archaeologia Cambrensis Journal. The photos used to illustrate this article were credited to Mr W. H. Thomas.
Remarkably we have been contacted by Archie Miles who owns a wonderful photograph album containing hundreds of photos taken by the very same William Henry Thomas. They cover his early years in the Caerleon/Newport area and later years in the West Country. The 1909 / 1910 excavation photos are included, as well as some interesting and unusual views of Caerleon.
Archie and I are currently researching William Thomas and you can see what we have so far found out by following this link.
Below you will find all the excavation photos from the album:

The 1909 Churchyard Extension Excavation viewed from the church tower.

The Latrines, South Angle of Camp.

Newsclipping from W H Thomas' Album

One of the Excavation Team?

Butresses on the Southern External Amphitheatre Wall
and the Southern Entrance.

Butresses on the Southern External Amphitheatre Wall