The Roman Remains In Caerleon
Roman Fortress of ISCA
of the Roman fortress wall still survive ... despite locals
in times gone by using the more accessible facing stones for
their own building purposes. Many premises in the village
are constructed of 'Roman' stone! The more adventurous visitor
may like to walk along the path that runs on top of the southern
corner of the fortress wall. Caerleon is proud to be a member of the
Walled Towns Friendship Circle.
amphitheatre stands just outside the walled area. It once
could seat a whole legion - up to six thousand spectators.
Nowadays it is sometimes used for open air events and re-enactments.
Entry is free (except for special events) and there is free
parking nearby in Broadway (off High Street). For more information
about the amphitheatre and its excavation follow this
link. For amazing film of the amphitheatre from above follow this link.
has the finest remains of Roman barrack buildings in Europe.
This block housed a century - 80 men. The larger rooms in
the foreground were for the centurion. Legionaries shared
quarters - eight men to a room.
National Roman Legion Museum houses a superb display of artefacts
found in the region, as well as having demonstration rooms
and the reconstruction of legionaries' quarters. Like other
National Museums and Galleries of Wales, entry is free. The
museum organises an excellent variety of events right through
the year (there is a small charge for some of these).
Admission free.
Location: High Street, opposite Broadway.
0300 111 2 333 Email
the Museum
National Museums and Galleries of Wales website click here.
Roman Baths Museum nearby uses modern technology to give
the visitor a vivid image of its former grandeur. The museum
is run by CADW, so opening times are not exactly the same
as the Legionary Museum. Audio
guide and videos available.
High Street, parking in the Bull Inn car park.
CADW website click
here, & here for Caerleon page