1881 Census Caerleon Districts 2, 3, 9 & 13
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Caerleon District 2:
Superintentendent Registrar’s District: Newport
Registrar’s Sub-District: Caerleon
Enumerations District, No. 2
Name of Enumerator, Mr Tom Morgan
Part of the Township of Caerleon comprising the whole of Bridge Street and High Street from the Bridge to Mr Llewellin's with Priory Lodge the East side of Bakehouse Lane with the East side of Backhall St White Hart Lane. Castle Street: Usk side, Mill Street to and including Union Schools. Cross Street and Malthouse Lane.
Urban Sanitary District
Caerleon District 3:
Superintentendent Registrar’s District: Newport
Registrar’s Sub-District: Caerleon
Enumerations District, No. 3
Name of Enumerator, Mr Henry Mills
Part of the Township of Caerleon
Comprising Endowed School Houses
The Whole of the Goldcroft Common
Arthur and Coldbath Cottages, Mill
Street and Tramroad from Union Schools
to Gasworks Broadawel House and cottages near.
Norman Street Church Street and Foundry
Westside of Bakehouse Lane West side of
Backhall Street.
Urban Sanitary District of Caerleon
Caerleon District 9:
Superintentendent Registrar’s District: Newport
Registrar’s Sub-District: Caerleon
Enumerations District, No. 9
Name of Enumerator, Mr N Brown
Part of the Ecclesiastical district of Christchurch Rural Sanitary district comprising St Julian’s House Gardeners House Barn Cottage Wood Cottage St Julians Inn the Ship Inn and cottage near, Copes House, Caerleon Village Ash Well. Both sides of the Old Hillto the Wind mill Belmont House, Cockwood, Rowes house, St Albans, Little Bulmore, Branllyny Carpenters Cottage, Penylan, Priory Cottage Coldra, upper and Lower Cwm Liitle Barn Farm Powells new house, Lodge Gardeners & Coachmans Houses from the Church to Mr Bolts House Including Treberth Vicarage Gratiese, Brewers & Payens Houses.
(We have transcibed pages 10 onwards to include Caerleon Village, Ash Well etc. - all of the Caerleon side of Christchurch Hill.)
Caerleon District 13:
Superintentendent Registrar’s District: Newport
Registrar’s Sub-District: Caerleon
Enumerations District, No. 13
Name of Enumerator, Mr William Harris
The whole parish of Llangattock
Rural Sanitary District