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Archaeology at CAERLEON 2010 - Priory Field Dig Photos - Finds

Roman lion's head - may have been furniture ornamentation. Found during the 2010 Caerleon Excavations.
Lion's head - may have been furniture ornamentation

Roman lion's head - may have been furniture ornamentation. Found during the 2010 Caerleon Excavations.

Small bronze dolphin found during the 2010 Caerleon Excavations.

Enamelled fish brooch found during the 2010 Caerleon Excavations.
Enamelled fish brooch

Enamelled badge found during the 2010 Caerleon Excavations.
Enamelled brooch

Miniature bust with a crested helmet - probably Minerva. Possibly decoration from a lamp. Found during the 2010 Caerleon excavations.
Miniature bust with a crested helmet - probably Minerva. Possibly decoration from a lamp.





A finely engraved entaglio found during the 2010 Caerleon Archeological excavations.
Intaglio - finely engraved gem

Some of the loose items collected before block lifting a large mass containing armour at the 2010 Caerleon archaeological dig.
Some of the loose items collected before block lifting a large mass containing armour (see below)

Some of the armour finds at Caerleon 2010. (Image courtesy of excavation team.) Notice the small relief head on the larger piece in the lower left of the picture. The curators and conservators from the National Museum of Wales assisted in block-lifting the whole area. The objects will now be 'excavated' in the museum's labs - a painstakingly slow process - but the results will make it all worth while.
Some of the armour finds. (Image courtesy of excavation team.)
Notice the small relief head on the larger piece in the lower left of the picture.
The curators and conservators from the National Museum of Wales assisted
in block-lifting the whole area. The objects will now be 'excavated' in the museum's labs
- a painstakingly slow process - but the results will make it all worth while.

Carved sandstone figure found at Caerleon 2010. (Image courtesy of excavation team.) The right edge of this is the original unbroken side. So the figure would appear to be stooping, in addition he looks deep in thought and his left arm seems to be tied behind his back. Mark Lewis, of the Roman Legion Museum Caerleon, thinks this could be a god/hero figure or perhaps a bound captive. A bound captive seems to fit the bill. It was found amongst rubble which had been used in one of the later phases.
Carved sandstone figure. (Image courtesy of excavation team.)
The right edge of this is the original unbroken side. So the figure would
appear to be stooping, in addition he looks deep in thought and his left arm
seems to be tied behind his back. Mark Lewis, of the Roman Legion Museum
Caerleon, thinks this could be a god/hero figure or perhaps a bound captive.
A bound captive seems to fit the bill. It was found amongst rubble which had
been used in one of the later phases of the excavated buildings
- as was the inscribed stone found in the 2008 dig.


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