With respect to the Level, Width, and Construction of New Streets and the Provisions for the Sewerage thereof.
Width and Level of New Streets.
1. Every person who lays out a new street shall lay it out and form it of such width, and at such level, as the Local Board shall in each case determine. If it be a carriage road, he shall lay it out and form it not less than forty feet wide, and the Local Board shall determine, in every case, what proportion of the width of such street shall be laid out as a carriage way and footway respectively. If it be not a carriage road he shall lay it out and form it at least eighteen feet wide, and shall make one entrance at least to every such street of the full width thereof, and open from the ground upwards: Provided always that when any street shall exceed the length of one hundred feet the Local Board may determine whether such street shall or shall not be laid out and formed of sufficient width for a carriage road.
Modification of Width of Streets in certain cases.
2. In every case in which an open space shall be left along one or both sides of any new street throughout the whole length in front of the houses; or in which any new street shall not be the principal or only approach to dwelling-houses, the Local Board may allow of a reduction in the widths herein specified for such streets, whether carriage roads or not, as they shall see fit. The width of new streets shall be taken to mean the whole space dedicated to the public exclusive of any steps or projections therein and measuring at right angles to the course or direction of such streets.
Height of Buildings in New Streets.
3. No person shall erect a building on the side of any new street which shall exceed in height the distance from the front of the building to the opposite side of such street, nor at any time subsequently increase the height of any such building so as to exceed such distance without the express sanction of the Local Board. In estimating the height of buildings, the measurement shall be taken from the level of the centre of the street immediately opposite the building up to the parapet or eaves of the roof.
Drainage of New Streets.
4. When the proposed level and width of any street shall have been approved by the Local Board, their Surveyor shall specify the depth and inclination form size materials and other particulars of the sewers and their appurtenances according to which the works for the proper drainage of such street and of the adjoining properties shall be carried out, and no person shall carry out the drainage works of such street otherwise than in accordance with such specification.
Construction of New Streets.
5. Every person constructing a new street shall adopt such mode, and employ such materials only, as shall be approved by the Local Board.
With respect to the structure of Walls of New Buildings for securing stability and the Prevention of Fires.
External and Party Walls.
The person erecting any new building shall cause it to be separated by external or party walls from the adjoining building or buildings.
Thickness of Walls.
6. The person erecting any new building shall cause the walls thereof to be constructed of such thickness, and in such manner as shall be approved by the Local Board; and the foundations to rest on solid ground, or upon concrete, or upon some other solid substructure; and he shall not allow any external or party wall of such new building to be less than nine inches in thickness in any part.
Materials of External Walls.
7. He shall cause the external and party or side walls of every new building to be constructed of brick, stone, or other hard incombustible substances, unless the Local Board shall otherwise allow in any case in which it may appear to them that no danger would exist of the spread of fire, from dispensing with a compliance with the requirements of this bye-law.
Walls carried through the Roofs.
8. He shall cause every external or party wall of a new building, the roof or gutter of which shall adjoin any other house or building, to be carried up above such roof or gutter, to form a parapet of not less than fifteen inches in height, measured at right angles to the slope, and above the covering of such roof, or above the highest part of such gutter, as the case may be; and he shall cause every party wall of such new building to be carried up above any turret, dormer, or other erection of combustible materials fixed upon the roof, or flat of any building, within four feet from such party wall, and to extend at the least twelve inches higher and wider on each side than such erection: and he shall cause every such party wall to be carried up above any part of any roof opposite thereto, and within four feet from such party wall.
Woodwork in External or Party Walls.
9. He shall not allow any joist, beam, or other woodwork fixed in or upon any external or party wall (except a beam or bressummer and story posts under the same, and frames of doors and windows of shops) to be brought within four inches at least of the external face of such wall, unless with the previous sanction of the Local Board.
The person erecting any new building shall cause every bressummer to have a bearing, in the direction of its length, of four inches at the least at each end, upon a sufficient pier of brick or stone, or upon a timber or iron story post, fixed on a solid foundation, in addition to its bearing upon any party wall; and he shall cause the ends of every such bressummer to be placed at least four and a-half inches distant from the centre line of the party walls.
He shall cause every bressummer bearing upon any party wall to be borne by a templet, or corbel of stone or iron, tailed through at least half the thickness of such wall, and of the full breadth of the bressummer.
He shall not allow any bond, timber, or wood plate to be built into any party wall, nor the ends of any beam or joist, bearing on such walls, to be less than four and a-half inches distant from the centre line of the party wall.
Chimneys and Flues.
10. He shall cause the chimneys and flues of every building to be constructed in such mode, and of such materials and dimensions, and of such height above the level of the nearest street, as shall be approved by the Local Board. He shall cause to be laid level with the floor of every story, before the opening of every chimney, a slab of stone, slate, or other incombustible material, at the least twelve inches longer than the width of such opening, and at the least eighteen inches wide in front of the breast thereof.
He shall cause every such hearth or slab to be properly bedded in incombustible materials, and the whole to be solid for a thickness of seven inches at the least beneath the upper surface of such hearth or slab. He shall not allow any timber or woodwork to be placed in any wall or chimney breast nearer than twelve inches to the inside of any flue or chimney opening, nor under any chimney opening within eighteen inches of the upper surface of the hearth of such chimney opening, nor within two inches from the face of the brickwork or stonework about any chimney or flue, where the substance of such brickwork or stonework is less than nine inches thick, unless the face of such brickwork or stonework be properly rendered. He shall not allow any wooden plugs to be driven nearer than six inches to the inside of any chimney or flue, nor any iron hold-fast or other metal fastening nearer than two inches thereto.
He shall not allow any openings to be made in any chimney or flue for any purpose, nor any pipe to be fixed in any new building for conveying smoke, heated air, steam, or hot water, except in the manner approved by the Local Board.
Exempted Buildings.
11. The following buildings and works shall be exempted from the operation of these Bye-laws: Buildings belonging to any Railway Company and used for the purposes of such Railway under the provisions of any Act of Parliament.
With respect to the sufficiency of the space about buildings to secure a free circulation of air, and with respect to the ventilation of buildings.
Space about Buildings.
12. Every person who shall erect a new building to be used as a dwelling-house or school shall provide in the rear or at the side thereof, or partly in the rear and partly at the sides, an open space, exclusively belonging thereto, to the extent of, at least, two hundred and twenty-five square feet in the whole, free from any erection thereon above the level of the ground; and he shall cause the distance across so much of the space as extends between every such, building and the opposite property at the rear or side to be ten feet at least. If such building be two stories or twenty feet in height above the level of such, open space, he shall cause the distance to be fifteen feet. If such building be three stories or thirty feet in height, he shall cause the distance to be twenty feet, and if more than three stories twenty-five feet, but no open space, either in the rear or at the side of such building, is to be taken into account as forming part of, or making up the total of, two hundred and twenty-five square feet above required, unless there shall be at least one door or window on each story of such building opening on to such space, and whoever erects a house abutting against a “tip” or embankment, or the side of any hill, shall cause it to be provided with a “blind area” with a horizontal distance of, at least, three feet between the side of the house and the retaining wall forming the “blind area” such “blind area ” to be effectually drained and secured against the rise of effluvia; when, however, thorough ventilation of such open space is secured, or when in the rebuilding of houses these dimensions cannot be
adhered to without considerable sacrifice of property they may be modified in special cases at the discretion of the Local Board.
Space not to be built upon.
13. Whenever any open space has been left belonging to any building when the sanction of the Local Board has been obtained for its erection, no person shall afterwards build on, or cover wholly or in part, such open space without the approval of the Local Board.
Height of Rooms.
14. The person erecting any building shall cause every habitable room; except rooms in the roof, to be in every part nine feet in height at the least, from the floor to the ceiling, and every habitable room in the roof of any such building to be at least eight feet six inches in height from the floor to the ceiling throughout, not less than one half the area of such room.
15. He shall place in every habitable room at least one window, opening directly into the external air, and shall cause the total area of window or windows clear of the sash frame to be at least one tenth of the superficial area of every such room, and the top at least of every such windows to be not less than seven feet above the floor, and the upper half (and if a French casement one half at least) to be made to open the full width.
Special Ventilations of Small Rooms.
16. He shall cause every habitable room hereafter built of less area than one hundred superficial feet and without a fire place, to be provided with special means of ventilation by an air shaft or otherwise as the Local Board may in his case determine.
Ventilation of and means of Egress from Public Buildings.
17. Every person erecting a new public building shall cause it to be supplied with such ventilation and means of egress as shall be approved of by the Local Board.
With respect to the Drainage of Buildings erected since the constitution of the District, Water and Earth Closets, Privies, Ash Pits, and Cesspools, in connection with such Buildings, and to the closing of such Buildings when unfit for human habitation, and to the prohibition of their use for such habitation.
Approval of Materials.
18. The owner or occupier of every house and building which in the opinion of the Local Board is without sufficient drainage shall cause it to be drained in the most effectual manner which may be practicable, and every person laying down the drainage of any house or building shall adopt such mode of drainage, and employ such materials as shall be approved by the Local Board.
Construction of House Drainage.
19. The person constructing the drainage of any house or building shall construct it of glazed stone ware or fire clay pipes, or of pipes of other equally suitable material to be approved of by the Surveyor of the Local Board, and to be of such dimensions, and to be connected with the sewers in such manner as the Surveyor shall direct, and shall cause such drains to be laid with water-tight joints, and beneath houses to be embedded in, and surrounded with, well puddled clay, and shall not form any right angle junctions, whether vertical or horizontal.
Ventilation of House Drainage.
20. The owner of every house shall provide proper ventilation in the drainage of such house by means of the rain water pipe, provided the inlets and joints of such pipe be sufficiently distant in the opinion of the Surveyor from any window by special pipe or shaft, or by such other method as the Local Board may direct, and shall cause all other inlets to the house drains to be properly trapped with stone ware or other traps to be approved by the Local Board.
Drainage of Subsoil and Prevention of Damp.
21. The owner or occupier of every house shall cause the house drainage to be so constructed, either with additional earthenware pipe drains or otherwise as to drain the subsoil of the premises, or he shall cause the surface of the site to be covered with a layer of concrete at least four inches thick, wherever the dampness of the site appears to the Local Board to render any such precaution necessary, and shall cause all rain water to be so drained or conveyed from the roofs of buildings as to prevent its dripping on to the ground, and causing dampness in the walls.
He shall cause a damp course of slate laid in cement, or other material impervious to water, to be built in every wall whenever such precaution shall appear to the Local Board to be necessary, such damp course to be placed not more than one foot above the outer ground surface, or the top of the footings, whichever is higher.
Water and Earth Closets and Privies.
22. He shall, from time to time, comply with the directions of the Local Board as regards the situation, dimensions, materials, and construction of every water closet, earth closet, and privy, and of the tap or cock or other means and machinery for supplying water or earth thereto, and he shall make therein such alterations as may, from time to time, be required by the Local Board.
He shall furnish every water closet, earth closet or privy with an opening as near to the top as practicable, communicating directly with the external air, or shall furnish it with sufficient means of ventilation.
23. He shall not construct a cesspool, except when unavoidable, and by special leave of the Local Board, in which case he shall construct it only in such situation, and in such manner, as the Local Board shall direct. He shall cause it in every case to be made watertight, to be arched or covered over, and to be properly ventilated, as the Board shall direct.
24. He shall comply with the directions of the Local Board as regards the situation, dimensions, materials, and construction of every ashpit, and shall alter the same according to the requirements of the Local Board.
25. Every person who proposes to occupy, or to allow to be occupied, any house newly erected, shall give notice to the Local Board that the same is ready for occupation, and shall allow the Surveyor of the said Board to enter and inspect the same, for the purpose of satisfying the Board that the drainage, ventilation, and other matters over which the Board have control, are in a satisfactory condition, and that the house has been built in conformity with the Bye-laws in force within the district.
Buildings unfit for Human Habitation.
26. In any case where it is certified to the Local Board by the Surveyor, by the Inspector of Nuisances, or by two Medical Practitioners, that any building, or part of a building within the district, is unfit for human habitation, the Local Board shall cause a notice of such certificate to be served on the owner or occupier of such building, and appoint a time for him to appear and answer the same before them, and upon such appearance, or in default of such appearance, may by their order, affixed conspicuously on the building, or part of the building, declare that the same is not fit for human habitation, and direct that it shall not, after a date, therein to be specified, be inhabited; and any person who, after the date or time mentioned in such order, lets or occupies, or continues to let or occupy, or knowingly suffers to be occupied, such building, or part of building, shall be liable for every such offence to a penalty of twenty shillings for every day during which the same is let or occupied.
As to the giving of Notices, as to the deposit of Plans and Sections by persons intending to lay out Streets or construct Buildings, as to inspection by the Local Board, and as to the power of the Local Board to remove, alter, or pull down any work begun or done in contravention of the Bye-laws.
Notices, Plans, &c., of New Streets.
27. Every person who shall intend to make or lay out any new street, whether the same shall be intended to be used as a public way or not, shall give notice to the Local Board of such intention, by writing, delivered to their Purveyor, or left at his office, and shall at the same time leave, or cause to be left, at the said office, a plan and section of such intended new street, drawn to a scale of not less than one inch to every forty-four feet, and a section of the intended new street drawn to a horizontal scale of twenty feet to one inch, and a vertical scale of four feet to one inch, and shall show on every such plan the names of the owners of the land through or over which such street shall be intended to pass, the level, width, direction, the proposed mode of construction, the proposed name of such intended new street, and its position relatively to the streets nearest thereto, the size and number of the intended building lots, and the proposed sites, height, class, and nature of the buildings to be erected thereon, and the proposed height of the division and fence walls thereon, and the name and address of the person intending to lay out such new street, and such plan shall be signed by him or his duly authorised agent. He shall show, on every such section the level of the present surface of the ground above some known fixed datum, the level, and rate or rates of inclination of the intended new street, and the level and inclination of the streets with which it will be connected, and the level of the lowest floors of the intended new buildings.
Notices, Plans, &c., of New Buildings.
28. Every person who shall intend to erect any new building shall give a notice to the Local Board of such intention, by writing, delivered to the Surveyor, or left at his office, and shall at the same time leave, or cause to be left, at the said office, detail plans and sections of every floor of such intended new building, drawn to a scale of not less than one inch to every eight feet, showing the position, form, and dimensions of the several parts of such building, and of the water closet, earth closet, privy, cesspool, ashpit, well, and all other appurtenances; and he shall cause such plans and sections to be accompanied by a description of the materials of which the building is proposed to be constructed, of the intended mode of drainage, and means of water supply. He shall cause a block plan to be left at the same time, drawn to a scale of not less than one inch to every forty-four feet, shewing the position of the buildings and appurtenances, of the properties immediately adjoining, the width and level of the street, the level of the lowest floor of the intended building, and of the yard or ground belonging thereto, and he shall also show on such plan the proposed lines of house drainage, and their size, depth, and inclination.
Inspection of Works by Surveyor.
29. The Surveyor shall inspect any works or buildings in progress of construction at any reasonable time that he may think fit, or that he may be required to do so by the Local Board; but the person, laying out the work, or the builder, shall give notice in writing to the Surveyor before the commencement of such work, and before any foundations of new buildings, or any sewers or drains are covered up, and give the like notice after the works have been completed, which may have been required by the Surveyor to be done in amendment of any irregularity, and before such works shall be covered up.
Notice of the Surveyor in case of Irregularity.
30. If in doing any work, or erecting any building, anything is done contrary to the rules herein contained, or anything required by those rules is omitted to be done, or if the Surveyor on surveying or inspecting any building or work finds that the same is so advanced that he cannot ascertain whether anything has been done contrary to the rules herein contained, or whether anything required by such rules is omitted to be done, the Surveyor shall, within twenty-four hours after such survey or inspection, give to the builder or person engaged in erecting such building, or in doing such work, notice in writing, requiring such builder or person, within forty-eight hours from the date of such notice, to cause anything done contrary to the rules herein contained to be amended, or to do anything required to be done by such rules which has been omitted to be done, or to cause so much of any building or work as prevents such Local Surveyor from ascertaining whether anything has been done, or omitted to be done, as aforesaid, to be to a sufficient extent cut into, laid open, or pulled down, and such builder or other person shall forthwith comply with the notice so given.
Notice of Completion of Works and Buildings.
31. Within one month after any work or building of which notice was given has been completed, the builder or person by whom such work has been done shall give notice to the Surveyor thereof, and the Surveyor shall forthwith proceed to survey such building or work, and shall report to the Local Board thereon.
32. The owner or person intending to erect any new street or buildings shall give the notices hereby required, and if any owner or person shall construct any works contrary to the provisions herein contained, the Local Board, after calling upon such owner or persons to show cause why the works so constructed, should not be removed, altered, or pulled down, may, if they think fit, have such work removed, altered, or pulled down as the case may require.
33. Any person offending against any of the above Bye-laws shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a penalty of five pounds, and, in case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of forty shillings for each day after written notice of the offence from the Local Board, or their authorised officer. Provided, nevertheless, that the justices or court before whom any complaint shall be made for a breach of any of the foregoing Bye-laws, relating to new streets and buildings, may, if they see fit, reduce the amount of penalty herein prescribed as they may deem advisable.
For the regulation of Street Cleansing, Removal of Refuse, and the Cleansing and Emptying of Water Closets, Privies, and Cesspools, pursuant to the powers and provisions contained in the Local Government Act, 1858, 21 and 22 Victoria, cap. 98, sec. 32.
Yards, &c., where Animals are kept.
34. Every occupier of a yard, place, or premises where horses, cattle, pigs, or other animals are kept, shall provide upon such, premises, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor of the Local Board and the Inspector of Nuisances, a covered receptacle for dung, manure, and all other solid refuse arising on the premises, and a trapped drain for carrying off all urine and other liquid drainage from such premises, or into such receptacle; and if no means for the removal of such dung, manure, or other solid refuse be provided by the Local Board, every such occupier shall himself remove, or cause to be removed, all such dung, manure, and other refuse, within twelve hours after notice, in covered vessels or carts, so covered or closed as to prevent smell emanating therefrom, and between the hours of five and nine in the morning.
In relation to Street Cleansing.
35. No person shall deposit, throw, or allow to run, lodge, or accumulate upon the surface of any street, square, court, highway, turnpike road, roadway, or place, or on any waste or unoccupied ground, or in any uncovered drain, ditch, watercourse, sink, pond, or other collection of water, or expose, or cause to be exposed, in any other manner whatsoever, within the district, any animal or vegetable matter, fish, offal, ordure, blood, bones, manure, shells, broken glass, china, earthenware, road scrapings, rubbish, dust ashes, house refuse, waste refuse, or runnings from any manufactory, or other offensive or noxious matter whatever.
36. Provided always, that no person shall be liable to a penalty for throwing or depositing sand or ashes, in the time of frost, upon any footway or roadway, to prevent accidents; or any manure or other material, in the time of frost, upon the course of water pipes, in order to prevent the water therein from being frozen; or any clean litter or other materials upon any footway or roadway, in order to prevent noise in the case of sickness.
Rubbish, &c., during the progress of Buildings.
37. Provided also, that no person shall be liable to any penalty for throwing or depositing in any street, square, court, alley, footway, highway, or other public passage, any rubbish, dirt, or materials used in or occasioned by the building, re-building, or repairing of any house or building, in cases where such person shall, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor of the Local Board, enclose the space where such deposit is made within a sufficient fence, and shall, when directed so to do by such Surveyor as aforesaid, lay down with proper materials a sufficient temporary footway for foot passengers, communicating with, the foot causeway at each end thereof, and fenced off from the remaining portion of the street or thoroughfare by a good or sufficient rail, the whole enclosure and temporary footway to be so constructed as to leave sufficient room for the passage of coaches, waggons, and the ordinary traffic of the said street or thoroughfare.
Removal of excepted things.
38. No person shall be entitled, under either of the above provisoes, to exemption from liability to penalty for a breach of the Bye-law prohibiting the deposit of refuse, unless such person shall cause the same ashes, manure, litter, rubbish, dirt, enclosing boards, temporary footway, rails, and other materials enumerated in the said provisoes, to be promptly and effectually removed as soon as possible after the cessation of the cause which occasioned their deposit or erection.
Exceptions as to Manure in Farming operations.
39. Provided always, that no occupier of any farm, or pasture or arable land, who shall use, deposit, or dispose of the dung or manure made or employed by him in farming operations, according to the usual course of husbandry, shall be liable to the penalty where such dung or manure
is not mixed with any night soil or matter which shall have been removed from any privy, water closet, earth closet, or cesspool, unless such night soil or matter shall have been previously deodorised by mixture with a sufficient quantity of dry earth or ashes, and where such dung or manure is not deposited, or left in any heap or midden, at or upon any highway, roadway, or upon any place or places within two hundred yards from any street or continuous line of houses.
Exceptions as to Ashes in Brickfields.
40. Provided also, that the Bye-law prohibiting the deposit of refuse shall not be taken to prohibit the deposit of ashes, or other material used or required in the manufacture or preparation of bricks, where such ashes and other materials are deposited only in the brickfields or places where such manufacture or preparation is and may be lawfully carried on, and are not mixed with any animal or vegetable refuse, or other offensive or obnoxious matter.
Removal of Snow and Filth.
41. Every occupier of premises within the district shall cause all snow and ice to be removed from the footways adjoining the premises occupied by him before the hour of nine in the morning, and on the occasion of any heavy fall of snow at such times as may be ordered by the Local Board; and he shall keep clean and free from filth the footway and pavement adjoining the premises occupied by him by sweeping and otherwise cleansing the same daily.
Time and Mode of carrying Night Soil through the Streets.
42. No person shall convey any night soil, sewage, or other contents of any cesspool, or any other noxious or offensive matter, through any street or thoroughfare within the district (except before the hour of six in the morning and after the hour of ten at night, nor at any time) except in carts or vessels properly covered and secured, to the satisfaction of the Local Board, against the escape of the contents thereof, or any issue of offensive smell from the same.
Emptying Privies, &c.
43. No person shall empty, or assist in emptying, any privy, water closet, earth closet, cesspool, or similar receptacle of offensive matter, within the district, except before the hour of six in the morning and after the hour of ten at night, nor at any time without the use of such deodorisers, and the employment of such other means of preventing disagreeable or hurtful effects therefrom as shall be directed to be used by the Board, or any of their authorised officers.
Offensive-Matter dropped in Streets.
44. If in the course of emptying any privy, water closet, earth closet, or cesspool, or of removing any night soil or other matter therefrom, such night soil or other matter should be dropped, spilled, or slopped in any streets, passages, highways, or thoroughfare within the district, the person or persons who are engaged in effecting such emptying or removal shall well and carefully sweep or cleanse the place on which the said night soil or other matter shall have been dropped, spilled, or slopped, as aforesaid, and shall effectually remove forthwith such sweepings therefrom.
Carts, &c., not to remain in Streets.
45. No person shall suffer any cart, waggon, or carriage used for the purpose of receiving and removing the night soil or other matter from any water closet, earth closet, privy, or cesspool, to stand or remain in any public street, passage, highway, or thoroughfare, for any longer time than shall be necessary for the loading thereof.
Scavenger’s Refuse Cart for the removal of Dust, Ashes, Refuse, &c., from Dust-bins.
46. When the cart provided by the Local Board shall pass through any street in the district with the words “Scavenger's Refuse Cart” painted thereon in legible characters (and the driver shall ring a bell before the house) the occupier of every house in the street shall give access to such scavenger to all places where any refuse or animal or vegetable matter is deposited. Provided always, that where such dust box or boxes as are described in the next section have been provided by the occupier, under the order of the Local Board, and such refuse or matter shall have been placed in such boxes, as directed in the next section, no such access shall be insisted upon.
Where no Dust-bin provided Moveable Boxes, &c., to be provided.
47. When any house in the district shall be without a dust-bin accessible to the scavengers employed by the Local Board, and approved by the Inspector as a fit and proper receptacle for refuse, the occupier or occupiers of such house shall provide a moveable dust-box, bucket, or pail for such house, and shall place in the said dust-box, bucket, or pail all the dust, ashes, and other refuse of such house, and shall every day, if required, bring or cause to be brought such dust-box or boxes, buckets, or pails, so filled to the outside door of the said house, or to such other place as the Inspector of Nuisances shall direct, at the hour appointed by the Local Board for removal by the scavenger employed by the said Local Board, and the said occupier or occupiers shall take back into the house the empty dust-box, buckets, and pails immediately after the scavenger shall have emptied the contents into his scavenger s cart.
When Occupiers have to remove Refuse.
48. Every occupier of premises in any part of the district where the Local Board do not themselves undertake or contract with any person for the removal of refuse from any premises, shall remove or cause to be removed from such premises (and in such a manner as not to create a nuisance in the process of removal) all the refuse from such premises (at least once in every week), and shall in the meantime provide, to the satisfaction of the Local Board, means of storing the said refuse so that it shall not become a nuisance to the occupants of the premises on which it arises, or to the other inhabitants of the district.
49. No person after nine o'clock in the morning shall place, throw, or deposit any ashes, dust, rubbish, or other matter, in the street previously to the arrival of the scavenger’s cart at the door, to receive and carry away the same.
50. Any person offending against any of the foregoing Bye-laws, relating to the cleansing of footways and pavements, the removal of refuse from premises, the cleansing of privies, ashpits, and cesspools, and the prevention of nuisances, or who shall do any act thereby forbidden to be done, or who shall omit to do any act thereby required to be done by him, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum of five pounds, and in case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of forty shillings for each day after written notice of the offence from the Local Board or their authorised officer. Provided, nevertheless, that the Justices or Court before whom any complaint shall be made for a breach of any of these Bye-laws may, if they see fit, reduce the amount of penalty herein prescribed as they shall deem advisable.
With respect to the Regulation of Slaughterhouses, pursuant to the powers and provisions contained in the Local Government Act, 1858, the 10th and 11th Victoria, cap. 34, sec. 128, being incorporated with the Local Government Act, 1858.
Slaughterhouses to be Paved and Ventilated and Lime-washed.
51. The occupier of any slaughterhouse within the district shall cause the same to be well paved and laid with proper slopes towards a gullyhole, and sufficiently ventilated, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor or Inspector of Nuisances appointed for the time being by the said Local Board, and shall cause the whole of the internal stone and brick walls and plaster surface of such slaughterhouse to be thoroughly lime-washed, at least, twice in every year — that is to say, in the months of April and September, and shall, cause the wainscotting and all other woodwork of such slaughterhouse to be painted and kept clean.
Slaughterhouses to be properly Drained.
52. The occupier of any slaughterhouse shall cause the same to be effectually drained by adequate drains communicating with the public sewers, where such sewers exist within one hundred feet of the said slaughterhouse, each of such drains to commence with a syphon trap, covered with a proper grating, the bars of which shall not be more than three-eights of an inch apart, and running out of a gullyhole, also covered with a grating of similar width.
Places for Manure, Garbage, &c., to be provided and removed.
And every such occupier shall provide and keep a sufficient number of tubs, boxes, or vessels with tight and close-fitting covers thereto, constructed to the satisfaction of the Surveyor or other authorised officer of the Local Board, for the purpose of receiving and carrying away all manure, garbage, and filth; and shall in all cases, except as hereinafter provided, immediately after killing and dressing of any cattle in such slaughterhouse, cause all such manure, garbage, and filth to be placed in such tubs, boxes, and vessels, and shall cause such tubs, boxes, and vessels, together with their contents to be removed to such place as the Board shall from time to time appoint, and within twenty-four hours after notice, in carts or vessels properly covered and secured to prevent smell, and between the hours of nine in the evening and nine in the morning; and shall cause all the blood arising from the slaughtering of cattle to be put into separate tubs or vessels with close-fitting covers, and to be carried away from the slaughterhouse without delay, and shall not permit such blood to flow into the channel or sewer or open street. Provided always that no such occupier shall allow any blood to be put in the same tubs or vessels in which the manure, garbage, or other filth is put.
Tubs, Boxes, &c., to be properly cleansed and purified.
53. The occupier of any slaughterhouse shall cause all the tubs and vessels which are used for the removal of any manure, garbage, and filth, and all the tubs and vessels which are used for the removal of blood from any slaughterhouse, to be throughly emptied, cleansed, and purified immediately after being used for such removal; and shall cause the floor of such slaughterhouse to be at the same time effectually scoured and cleansed, and the whole of the premises to be kept in such condition that neither within the slaughterhouse not without it shall there be any offensive smell arising therefrom.
Every Slaughterhouse to be provided with water, and to be cleansed.
54. The occupier of any slaughterhouse shall provide the same with an adequate supply of water, and shall cause the same to be thoroughly washed within three hours after the completion on each day of any slaughtering and dressing of cattle therein, and shall not make nor permit to be made nor suffer to exist any cesspool within such slaughterhouse.
Hides and Skins to be removed.
55. The occupier of any slaughterhouse shall remove or cause to be removed from such slaughterhouse the hides and skins of any cattle that shall be slaughtered therein, together with the blood and offal, either on the same day or on the day next after such cattle shall have been slaughtered.
Diseased or unsound Cattle not to be Slaughtered.
56. The occupier of any slaughterhouse shall not knowingly slaughter, or suffer to be slaughtered therein any diseased or unsound cattle; and in case of any diseased or unsound cattle being brought to such slaughterhouse, he shall forthwith as soon as he shall have been informed, or have otherwise become acquainted with the fact, give information thereof to the Inspector of Nuisances.
No opening from Slaughterhouses to Privy, &c.
57. No occupier of any slaughterhouse shall build or permit any access or opening to any privy, cesspool, or dung-mixen from such slaughterhouse to be made, or if now made to remain ; nor shall any such occupier permit or suffer any pigs or other animals to be kept in any slaughterhouse except for the purpose of being fasted previous to being slaughtered.
Cattle only to be kept a certain period previous to Slaughtering.
58. No occupier of any slaughterhouse shall keep or retain any cattle, in such, slaughterhouse for a longer period than forty-eight hours previous to slaughtering 'the same.
Dogs in Slaughterhouses.
59. The occupier of any such slaughterhouse shall not keep, or permit to be kept, in any such slaughterhouse or premises any ferocious dog, unless such dog shall be securely fastened or muzzled.
60. Every occupier of a slaughterhouse shall, on the request of the Local Board, forthwith cause all repairs which may be requisite for the purpose of keeping such slaughterhouse in a cleanly and proper state, to be executed with all reasonable dispatch.
Members and Officers of the Local Board to have access to every Slaughterhouse.
61. All members and authorised officers of the local Board shall have free access to every slaughterhouse and to every part thereof at any time when they shall demand admission, for the purpose of inspecting and examining into the condition thereof with regard to cleanliness, ventilation, and management thereof.
62. Every occupier of any slaughterhouse, within the said district, who shall in any respect fail to comply with any of the foregoing Bye-laws relating to slaughterhouses, or in any wise offend against the same, or who after due notice from the Local Board requiring such slaughterhouse to be lime-washed, purified, and cleansed, shall neglect so to do, or who shall at any time refuse to allow any member, officer, or servant of the Local Board an inspection of the premises, shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence the sum of five pounds, and a further penalty of ten shillings for every day during the continuance of the offence, after written notice thereof from the Local Board. Provided nevertheless that the Justices or Court before whom any complaint shall be made for a .breach of any of these Bye-laws, may, if they see fit, reduce the amount of the penalty herein prescribed as they shall deem advisable.
Bye-laws with respect to Common Lodging-houses.
Windows to be opened.
63. The keeper of any common lodging-house shall cause the windows of every sleeping room in such lodging-house to be kept open to the full width thereof, from nine to eleven o’clock in the morning, and from two till four o'clock in the afternoon of every day, unless prevented by tempestuous or inclement weather, or by the illness of any inmate of such room, and during the time the windows are open, as aforesaid, he shall cause the bedclothes of every bed in such room to be kept turned down and exposed to the air.
Floors to be swept and washed.
64. Such lodging-house keeper shall cause the floor in every room in such lodging-house to be thoroughly swept once (at least) in each day, before ten in the morning, and the floor of every room to be well washed on Friday in every week before twelve at noon.
Walls, &c. to be lime-washed and bedclothes kept clean.
65. Such lodging-house keeper shall cause such lodging-house to be thoroughly cleansed, and the wall and ceilings of every room to be well and sufficiently lime-washed or otherwise cleansed to the satisfaction of the Inspector of Nuisances, twice at least in every year during the first weeks of April and October; and shall cause the blankets, rugs, bedclothes, and covers used in such lodging-house to be at all times kept in a clean and wholesome state, and to be thoroughly cleansed and scoured four times at least in every year, that is to say during the first week of the months of March, June, September, and December.
Rooms to be Ventilated.
66. The keeper of every such lodging-house shall cause every room in such house to be ventilated to the satisfaction of the Surveyor or other authorised officer of the Local Board, who shall examine such room, and direct what mode of ventilation is to be adopted therein.
Fevers, &c., Officers to inspect Premises, Fumigate, &c.
67. In case of fever or other infectious or contagious disorder occuring in such lodging house, the keeper shall forthwith give notice thereof to the Surveyor or other authorised officer of the said Local Board, who shall thereupon proceed to inspect the premises with a view to the use or introduction thereon of any disinfecting process which the Local Board may direct.
To supply Water.
68. Every such lodging-house keeper shall provide such accommodation for washing, together with such a supply of water for the use of the lodgers as shall be satisfactory to the said authorised officer or officers.
The Keeper to provide Water Closets or Privies.
69. Every such lodging-house keeper shall be bound to furnish or provide such accommodation in the way of privies, soil-pans, or water closets for his lodgers as shall be certified to the Local Board by their said authorised officer or officers to be sufficient, and shall constantly keep them free from offensive smell, and in such a state as the said authorised officer or officers shall certify to be satisfactory.
Yards to be Paved and properly Drained.
70. The keeper shall cause the yards and areas of every such lodging-house to be properly paved so as to run dry, and effectually take off all waste water, and shall provide such house with a proper drain communicating with a common sewer, where such sewer is within one hundred feet of the premises.
Number of Lodgers limited in each House.
Tickets to be up in each Room.
71. No keeper of such lodging-house shall receive in such house, or in any room thereof, a greater number of lodgers or other persons than shall be fixed by the Local Board, on the report of their authorised officer or officers, and expressed in a ticket, to be signed by such officer or officers, which ticket shall be according to the form contained in the Schedule annexed and marked “A” and not less than 250 cubic feet shall be allowed to each inmate or lodger.
72. Any person infringing any of the above Bye-laws relating to common lodging-houses, or wilfully obstructing any member or officer of the Board, or other duly authorised person aforesaid in the performance of his duty, shall for every such offence, forfeit a sum of two pounds, and a further penalty of ten shillings for every day during the continuance of the offence, after written notice thereof from the Local Board or their authorised officer. Provided nevertheless that the Justices or Court before whom any complaint shall be made for a breach of any of these Bye-laws may, if they see fit, reduce the amount of penalty herein prescribed, as they may deem advisable.
Form “A."
Ticket, No.
Number of Room for which Ticket is intended ..................
Common Lodging-house,
Registered to accommodate ............. Lodgers.
Rules and Regulations.
No, greater number than ........... lodgers are to be received or accommodated in this house at any one time, two children under the age of six years to be considered as one lodger.
The Lodgers are to be distributed as follows :—
In Room |
In Room |
In Room |
In Room |
In Room |
Total |
No.1 |
No.2 |
No.3 |
No.4 |
No.5 |
The windows of every sleeping-room in this house are to be kept open to their full width, from nine to eleven o’clock every morning, and from two to four every afternoon (weather permitting,) unless the sickness of any inmate of such room should require the window thereof to be closed; and during the time such windows are open, the bed clothes of every bed in the room shall be turned down and freely exposed to the air.
The floors of every room in the house shall be well swept every morning before the hour of ten o’clock, and shall be well washed during the morning of Friday.
This house shall be thoroughly cleansed, and the walls and ceiling shall be well and sufficiently lime-washed twice at least yearly, viz: during the first weeks of the months of April and October.
The blankets, rugs, bed clothes, and covers used in this house shall be thoroughly cleansed and scoured four times a year, at least that is to say in the first of each of the several months of March, June, September, and December.
Every sleeping-room in this house shall be ventilated to the satisfaction of the authorised officer or officers of the Local Board.
Upon any person in this house, whether a lodger or one of the family, being affected with fever or any infectious or contagious disorder, the keeper shall forthwith give notice thereof to the said officer.
This house shall be provided with sufficient accommodation for washing, together with a sufficient supply of water for the use of the lodgers.
This house shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Local Board with sufficient accommodation to the lodgers in the way of privies and water closets.
N.B.—The keeper of any common lodging-house refusing to admit any duly authorised officer of the Local Board to inspect the same, or disobeying the above Bye-laws, will be liable to the several penalties in the behalf provided by the Bye-laws, for regulating common lodging-houses in this district, a copy whereof may be obtained by application at the office of the Clerk of the Local Board.
WILLIAM PRICE,Members of the Caerleon Local Board.
Clerk to the Caerleon Local Board.
Allowed by the Local Government Board this Twenty-seventh day of January, 1874.
Acting on behalf of the said Board, under the authority of the General Order, dated the 13th day of August, 1873.DANBY P. FEY,
Assistant Secretary.